Monday, April 27, 2009

Arm Eating Happy

Googlie goof ahhhh no nooooo nooooooooo.
Ahhh ha ha.
Blah booooooooooooooo wa!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Peep Peep Peep

I am just starting to move

A big piece of my shell went off

I'm getting ready to hatch out of my egg

I am hatching from my deep and dark shell

And now I am a little baby chick and I will peep along peeping in other hens ears and pooping along.

Friday, April 17, 2009

This is Not Goofy

Tiny Fairy Butterflies in a Butterfly cage. There are three butterflies inside.

A Collection of Fairy Wings (Off of dead fairies)

These are all of the things that I've been making in the studio. Mama made the dolls and took the pictures, but everything else, even the ideas came from me. I worked with a hot glue gun. You can make stuff too if you can handle a hot glue gun and collect stuff on forest walks or even around your neighborhood and stuff. I really want lots of comments on this blog post if you want to. Bye Bye. The end. I don't want to do any more because I wanted to this to be goofy!

Fairy Baby Shell and Eucalyptus Cradle

A Royal Fairy Litter

Spilled Jug of Water (that a baby fairy spilled)

A Water Fountain for Fairies

A Fairy Hat

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Love Puppies

Oh how delicious puppies are!
I love puppies, I love puppies.
Puppies are so cute with there little paws.
They are sooooo cute.

Hi Annie here. That's was just my song about puppies and that I love them. I saw this
puppy on the beach in Santa Cruz and I got to hold it and play with it and be licked by it and I really enjoyed that. In the really far background of the photo there is a black dog. That dogs name was Scooby Do. It could shake hands with me and it was a Great Dane. I love Santa Cruz and I miss it.

Thanks for commenting on my last post.
I love blogging because you can connect with people.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hi My Name is Annie

I just decided to make my own blog tonight on April 3, 2009. This is my first post.
Below is a funny movie I made of Astro Boy, one of my favorite Japanese characters. I made it when we were living in the old house.
One of my hopes is to be a dragon. A dragon that lives in the solar system. It protects the solar system.
The picture above is my dog Jasper and he is a two year old puppy. And he's goofy. I feel goofy just thinking about him. He is a giant dog which is cute! I don't like him breathing on me. Especially when I'm eating, it's gross. Stop!
I'm curious about doing a blog. I want lots of people to enjoy my blog. Please leave a comment if you like my blog, and if you don't like my blog because I just want to know how you are feeling.
I want to be silly and goofy and have fun and find lots of attention on my blog.